Orhtodox church in Bokhtar

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Orhtodox church in Bokhtar

Bokhtar - Orthodox Church

One of the city’s notable and charming landmarks is the Orthodox Church of the Archangel Michael, located on Kakhharova Street. The history of this church dates back to 1932 when a small, unnamed prayer room was established. It wasn’t until 1954 that the building, made of mudbrick, was officially recognized. By 2015, the original structure had deteriorated significantly due to age. However, long before this happened, in 2008, with funding from «Rosselkhozbank» and the assistance of the 201st Russian military base stationed in Tajikistan, construction began on a more permanent church (designed by architect Viktor Kanaev) in the capital of Khatlon. This new church, built in a tented-roof style, now stands as a beautiful addition to the cityscape and is visible from the central market of Kurghan-Tube (Bokhtar).

The number of Orthodox Christians in Bokhtar is likely smaller than in Chechnya or Turkmenistan, but despite this, the city still has an active, relatively new Orthodox church. Even more surprising is the presence of a Catholic church, although Catholics are even fewer in number than the Orthodox community. However, it’s likely that the Catholic church is no longer in operation.