The Ark Fortress, also known as the Ark-Citadel, is a historical residence of the Bukhara khans and a significant landmark in Bukhara. According to recent archaeological excavations, the citadel has been in existence since the 4th century BC. Over centuries of construction and destruction, an artificial hill approximately 20 meters high was formed, with its upper layers built over during the time of the last Bukhara emirs. Unfortunately, the wooden parts of the Ark were destroyed in a fire in 1920. Efforts to restore the general layout of the fortress are based on historical documents.
The Ark Fortress was essentially a city within a city, comprising closely packed houses, courts, and yards that housed state institutions, the emir, his wives, relatives, and officials. The layout within the trapezoidal walls of the citadel was right-angled, featuring a traditional cruciform crossing of the main streets.
Wander through old Bukhara.
Visit the Lyabi-Hauz Ensemble
Explore Chor-Minor’s unique towers
Admire the Kalyan Minaret’s grandeur
Discover history at Ark Fortress