The Magoki-Attori Mosque, located in the heart of Bukhara, is a remarkable example of an urban mosque situated within a residential quarter. This mosque stands on the site of a pre-Islamic Moh temple, highlighting its deep historical roots. Excavations have revealed that even during the Samanid era, there was a six-pier mosque at this location, which was likely domed. However, significant reconstruction took place in the twelfth century, including an upgrade to the floor level and a redesign of the main facade, which has largely survived to this day.
By the sixteenth century, the accumulation of cultural layers had caused the mosque to appear as though it had sunk deep into the ground. It was only through excavations in the 1930s that the facade was unearthed, revealing its historical significance.
Wander through old Bukhara.
Visit the Lyabi-Hauz Ensemble
Explore Chor-Minor’s unique towers
Admire the Kalyan Minaret’s grandeur
Discover history at Ark Fortress