The Miri-Arab Madrasah, with its two prominent blue domes, stands majestically in the center of Bukhara, forming part of the Poi-Kalyan ensemble along with the Kalyan Mosque and Minaret. This religious educational institution is a significant spiritual center in the city.
The construction of the Miri-Arab Madrasah dates back to the 16th century and is associated with Sheikh Abdallah Yamani from Yemen, the spiritual guide (pir) of the Sheybanids. The exact date of the beginning of its construction remains uncertain. Some scholars believe that the building was erected between 1530 and 1536, while others suggest it was built to commemorate the Sheybanid army’s victory over the troops of the Safavid Shah Ismail I in the Battle of Gijduvan in 1512. It is also believed that the final construction was funded by Ubaydulla Khan, using money obtained from the sale of 3000 Iranian captives into slavery.
Wander through old Bukhara.
Visit the Lyabi-Hauz Ensemble
Explore Chor-Minor’s unique towers
Admire the Kalyan Minaret’s grandeur
Discover history at Ark Fortress