In the verdant village of Konigil, just a short journey from the historic city of Samarkand, stands the Konigil Meros Paper Factory. This charming establishment is the brainchild of the Mukhtarov brothers, who, driven by a passion for heritage and craftsmanship, have revived the ancient Samarkand art of papermaking. This traditional craft, lost to time, has been rekindled through their efforts, employing methods passed down through generations.
Visitors to the factory are treated to a captivating experience as they observe the meticulous process of paper production from start to finish. The factory, which prides itself on accessibility, offers tours at a modest fee of 10,000 soums (as of July 2023). For those eager to delve deeper, a masterclass is available for 25,000 soums, allowing guests to craft their piece of Samarkand paper to cherish as a keepsake.
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