Located in the historic past of Tashkent city lies the Shayhantaur Ensemble, a memorial complex that whispers tales of the past and stands as a beacon of spiritual heritage. This sacred site, dedicated to Saint Sheikh Khovandi Takhur, who graced the 14th century with his presence, is an architectural triad comprising his tomb, the tomb of Kaldirgoch-biy, and a mosque, each structure echoing the reverence of bygone eras.
The tomb of Sheikh Taur, evolving through the 15th to the 19th century, along with the tomb of Kaldirgoch-biy, a 15th-century edifice, both house spaces known as zierathona—sanctuaries for worship and prayer—and gurhona, the final resting places of the entombed. These tombs are crowned by semicircular domes, a celestial homage to the heavens above.