During the era of so-called «golden construction» in Ashgabat under Turkmenbashi, a series of monumental structures emerged, each earning colorful nicknames from the locals. The Neutrality Monument became known as the «Three-Legged» monument. Similarly, the Akhal-Teke Monument, located in the city’s central square and characterized by numerous hooves, was dubbed the «Centipede.» «Altyn Asyr» Shopping Center (Golden Age) was erected in the southern part of the city on one flank of the Independence Park and has earned the nickname «Five-Legged» due to its five «legs,» symbolizing Turkmenistan’s five velayats (regions).
Explore UNESCO-listed Old Nisa
Visit Spiritual Mosque, Central Asia’s largest
Discover history at National Museum
Visit Akhalteke horse stables
View Lenin Monument and surroundings