Behind the Dorus Siadat complex lies an intriguing bunker, accessible through a wooden door, leading to a crypt believed to be intended for Tamerlane. This crypt was unearthed in 1943 when a child playing football accidentally fell through the ground. The room is austere, save for Koranic inscriptions on the arches, which proclaim: “The Supremacy belongs to Allah alone. He is Eternal,” and “All Good is in Allah’s hands, He is Almighty.”
At the center of the room rests a marble sarcophagus, topped by a massive, monolithic marble gravestone that is 11 centimeters thick. The gravestone features five iron rings attached at the corners and center. Inscriptions on the stone pertain to the life of Amir Timur, leading to the belief that this crypt was meant to be his final resting place.