In the heart of Karakalpakstan lies one of its most intriguing and challenging destinations: the Barsa-Kelmes Salt Marsh. The name Barsa-Kelmes ominously translates to «The Place of No Return,» a reflection of its formidable environment. Barsa-Kelmes Salt Marsh spans approximately 1,040 square kilometers, with dimensions of 50 kilometers in length and 35 kilometers in width. Although it is only a tenth the size of Bolivia’s famous Uyuni Salt Flats, its landscape is equally mesmerizing. Situated just 70 meters above sea level, Barsa-Kelmes contrasts sharply with Uyuni’s high-altitude environment at 3,650 meters.
The salt marsh’s climate is extreme, with scorching heat in the summer and bone-chilling cold in the winter. In the hot months, the sun’s glare off the white salt surface can be blinding, while in winter, precipitation transforms the area into a slippery, viscid expanse.
Visit the Muynak Ship Graveyard
Explore Muynak History Museum
Discover ancient Mizdakhan complex
Visit Mausoleum of Nazlukhansulu
Explore ruins of Gaur-Kala fortress
Wander through historic Khodjely landmarks