Phone Codes

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Phone codes for Uzbekistan

The country code for Uzbekistan is +998. This is the code dialed before the local number when calling from abroad.

Within Uzbekistan, there are various area codes for different regions. For instance, Tashkent, the capital city, has an area code of 71, while Samarkand has an area code of 66. These area codes are necessary when dialing from one region to another within the country.

Mobile phone numbers in Uzbekistan typically start with 90, 91, 93, 94, or 95, followed by a seven-digit number. Each mobile operator has specific prefixes that distinguish their numbers from others.

International dialing code for Uzbekistan – 998

Emergency numbers:   UZ Mobile Phone Codes:  
Fire Service 101 Beeline Uzbekistan 998+90/91
Police 102 UzMobile 998+95/99
Ambulance 103 UCell 998+93/94
MoES (Emergency situations) 1050 Perfectum Mobile (CDMA) 998+98
    Mobiuz 998+97
Uzbekistan City Codes:      
Almalik 261 Navoiy 436
Andijan 374(2) Namangan 369(22)
Angren 266 Nukus 361
Asaka 37436 Samarkand 366(2)
Bekabad 291 Sirdaryo 3673
Beruniy 36152 Tashkent 371
Bukhara 365 Termez 376(22)
Gulistan 367 Urgench 362
Denov 37641 Urgut 36648
Jizzakh 372(22) Ferghana 373(2)
Zarafshon 43657 Khiva 36237
Kagan 36552 Chirchik 271
Karshi 375(22) Chust 36942
Kitab 37554 Shahrisabz 37552
Kokand 37355