Info on train tickets

How to read information on the ticket:

Uzbek train ticket
Uzbek train ticket
1. Train number
2. Departure date
3. Departure time
4. Wagon number
5. Departure point *
6. Destination
7. Type of train
8. Class of service **
9. Passenger seat number
10. Passport data of the passenger
11. Arrival date
12. Arrival time

* Important !!!

There are two stations in Tashkent, which are marked on the ticket as SOUTH (ЮЖНЫЙ) and PASSENGER CENTRAL (ПАСС ЦЕНТР). When departing from Tashkent, check the ticket carefully to ensure you show up at the correct station.

** VIP – 1B; Business class – 1C; Economy class – 2E or 2B; SV – 1Y; Coupe – 2K; Sitting-only seat – 

Luggage Guidelines for Train Travel in Uzbekistan

When traveling by train in Uzbekistan, passengers are allowed to bring along hand luggage weighing up to 36 kg without incurring any additional fees. Should your luggage tip the scales between 37 kg and 50 kg, a small fee will be charged for each extra kilogram. Please note that luggage exceeding 50 kg is not permitted on board.

Discounts and Benefits for Travelers

While Uzbekistan’s trains offer various discounts, most are exclusive to Uzbek citizens. However, international travelers with children can benefit from certain discounts:

  • A single child under the age of 5 can travel at no cost, sharing a seat or bed with a parent.
  • For families with multiple children under 5, the first child travels for free without a separate seat, and a 50% discount is applied to the ticket of the second child if a separate seat is required.
  • Children aged 5 to 10 are eligible for a 50% discount on their own seat.
  • Those over 10 years old must pay the full ticket price.
    Please remember that children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult during their journey.

For further details on benefits, discounts, or ticket purchases, it’s best to consult the official website of Uzbekistan Railways.